Responsible Travel

Each of us has a responsibility towards our planet, its people, its many cultures and all the living beings. We are all responsible for keeping the fine balance between the resources available and their utilisation. To continually safeguard the interests of not just us, but everyone who calls our planet their home.

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So, what really is responsible travel and how can you help!

At OneLatitude, being aware of our actions and our impact is key. How we understand and then mitigate this impact drives our decisions and choices.

Did you know that every single action of ours today (and our past) impacts the CO2 levels in our atmosphere and every positive action can reduce this carbon footprint.
Yes, every small bit counts. We wholeheartedly believe that sustainability isn’t only about big steps and leaps, it’s about every small step in the right direction. #persistenceoverperfection

So let’s Persist to do better, to be more aware, to educate others, and to make smarter choices for a sustainable future.

As a member of the community that contributes to over 8% of global carbon emissions and can lead to other social impacts due to over-tourism, OneLatitude pledges to continually work towards being a responsible provider. We have partnered with Integrated Climate Initiatives Pvt Ltd to understand our impact better and to run a sustainable operation.

Here are some things we’re doing

We work to map the carbon footprint of every single trip and then work backwards to see how we can reduce this effectively by making smarter choices, without compromising on quality or comfort. Luxury travel can be responsible, let us show you how!

We understand each destination, their ground level concerns and issues. Work with on ground organizations to see if we can partner with them to help/contribute and create a positive impact in the society.

Share information with our travellers and partners on how they can reduce their impact when they travel with us. Expect everything from great packing tips, information about local communities, ways to reduce your footprint and more!

Our impact in numbers


MT CO2e emitted


Trees Planted


MT CO2 in annual offsets*


MT CO2 in lifetime offsets**

* Every tree planted will reduce 20 Kg CO2 every year. ** Average span of tree assumed to be 20 years.

Want to know more about climate change, responsible tourism and how you can help? Reach out to us at [email protected]

Your next luxury escape, awaits!

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